SITUATION: The property is situated within Matisi Area of Kitale town, in Trans Nzioa county, Matisi Friends High school is about 240 Meters due North of the Subject property .
The property fronts an all-weather road that joins Kitale – Suam road about 540 meters away
AREA: The plot contains by measurement approximately 0.1136 acres or 0.046 Hectares.
TENURE: The title is held on freehold interest.
IMPROVEMENTS: Erected on the plot are two (2N0) single storeyed blocks comprising nineteen (19No) single rooms and one double room an ablution block has also been provided but ignored for purposes of this valuation because of its minimal contributions to value.
SERVICES: Mains electricity services is connected, water supply is from well sunk within the subject property.
Drainage is to latrines.
GUIDING PRICE: Kshs.2.5 Million