SITUATION:   The property is located along kentmere Valley, Githunguri close; Kileleshwa residential area with following coordinates 1.281003 Northings and 36.795031 Easting.

The subject property is on the ground floor of block G on land reference Number Reference Number 209/11872 Kentmere Valley, Githunguri Close, Kileleshwa.       

TENURE:  leasehold interest for the residue term of 99 years with effect from 1st day of Feb 1998 at an annual ground rent of 188,000/-for the entire parcel (revisable). The subject property is registered under the land registration Act, Registration of Titles Act (repealed).

AREA: The entire plot measures approximately one decimal five six seven (1.567) hectares or three decimal eight seven two one (3.872) acres or thereabouts .the subject of this valuation is flat no.g2 in block G within kentmere valley.

IMPROVEMENTS: The entire development comprises of blocks of 4 bedroom units with parking lot and a SQ for each apartments. The subject of this valuation is apartment No.G2 in block g located on the ground floor. The apartments are accessible from the parking yard and couple of stairs down to the main door.

SERVICES:  All main services are connected to the subject property, sewer is connected to Nairobi city Council mains trunk sewer. Water storage is to be overhead steel water tank with electricity booster pump.

The access roads and the road network within the estate are tarmacked and cabro paved parking and driveways within the gated Kentmere Valley apartments.

The area is served by landline telephone network and all cellular phone.

GUIDING PRICE: Kshs. 23 Millions

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